Fonts by product categories
Fonts nach Produkt-Kategorien
- Armenian / Armenisch | Georgian / Georgisch
- Broken Script/Black Letter (Fraktur)
- Coptic / Nubic / Bohairic • Koptisch - Nubisch - Bohairisch
- Cuneiform (Keilschrift)
- Cyrilllic: Balcanica, Ladoga Pro, Moskva Pro, Kliment and much more!
- DEsign: Evgenij Dobrovinskij, Moscow: Faktor, Magister, Inessa, Konkret
- Handwriting/Script / Kalligraphie: Inessa; Chalkboard: Tafelkreide
- Latin with a Cyrillic flair: Retrograd, Odessa
- Old Church Slavonic (Cyrillic and Glagolitic)/ Altkirchenslawisch (kyrillisch u. glagolitisch)
- Oriental Fonts (Near East, Middle Orient; Fonts für den Nahen Osten und den Orient)
- Phonetics/IPA/API: Trubetzkoy, Phonetica
- Pixel Fonts: CampusTen & CampusTwelve
- Old North Arabian (Dadanitic) Script
- Old South Arabian (Sabean) Script
- Small Caps Fonts: Roman SmallCaps, CampusSans SC; CampusSansNarrow SC
- Unicode Reference font
Legacy Fonts see separate page!