MacCampus fonts are grouped into four simple price categories:
A: single weights, fonts with less than 500 characters
B: single weights, fonts with more than 500 characters
C: family of fonts from category A
D: family of fonts from category B
A = 20 Euro or US$; Germany: 23,80 incl. 19% MWSt.
B = 30 Euro or US$; Germany: 35,70 incl. 19% MWSt.
C = 45 Euro or US$; Germany: 53,55 incl. 19% MWSt.
D = 65 Euro or US$; Germany; 77,35 incl. 19% MWSt.
These prices are recommended prices for electronic download or for e-mail delivery. Retail sales may differ. Prices subject to change without notice. Local taxes may apply.
Educational prices available for orders directly from MacCampus (inquire by email).
Alle Preisangaben ohne Gewähr. Irrtümer und Änderungen vorbehalten.
Bei allen Preisen handelt es sich um unverbindlich empfohlene Preisangabe. Kunden aus dem Bildungsbereich erhalten Rabatte bei Direktbezug von Maccampus.
Download see links below; distributors see here (Monotype), and