All MacCampus fonts are available in two format:
- OpenType PostScript (files with suffix .otf)
- OpenType TrueType (files with suffix .ttf)When you purchase a font, you select one of these two formats according to your needs. TrueType fonts are more widespread in use, but their filesize is usually larger, sometimes much larger.
The same font file can be used and is supported by Mac OS X and Windows. They work on the iPad, too.
All MacCampus fonts are Unicode fonts. See the list of Unicode blocks that our fonts support. Our fonts are created by professional linguists, philologists, and designers.
All MacCampus fonts can be embedded into pdf files for publication, printing etc without restriction.
All MacCampus fonts can be obtained with a single user license, multi-user licenses, site licenses etc.
Legacy fonts may still be available in PostScript Type 1 or in TrueType. Such fonts are only available directly from MacCampus and not through our distributors. Please inquire for availability.
Legacy fonts are maintained technically for our thousands of users of these fonts.
Technical support is available free of charge from MacCampus for customers who bought directly from MacCampus. Inquiries by e-mail only to "fonts AT maccampus DOT de" (replace words in uppercase by the correct signs (i.e. @ and .), no spaces)